fr:Car Terms:B:Bodywork rigidity of a car MA/FR

SEAT Glossary

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Bodywork rigidity

Bodywork rigidity is one of the keys to the safety, comfort and durability of a car. The less a vehicle “twists” on uneven road surfaces or when cornering at speed, the safer its handling characteristics are.

Rigidity varies with different body shapes. In general, the structure of an open car can never achieve the rigidity of a closed saloon, an estate car or a van. The occupants become aware of high body rigidity by the extremely low interior noise level and the quality of a precise interior finish. From the outside, the small, uniform joint dimensions and smooth surfaces all over the bodywork testify to the high quality standards of SEAT models.

In addition, high body rigidity forms the basis for excellent crash safety and a significant reduction in interior noise.

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