fr:Car Terms:S:Start Stop System MA/FR

SEAT Glossary

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Start-Stop System

The start-stop system automatically switches off the engine when the car comes to a standstill. The electronics detect when the driver (for example at red traffic lights or at railroad crossings) stops his SEAT and then switches to idle. By disengaging, the engine is switched off immediately and the "Start Stop" appears on the display of the multifunction display. To start the car, the driver only has to step on the clutch again. The "Start Stop" message disappears and the journey can continue.

With the start-stop system, which is standard in all the SEAT ECOMOTIVE models, the engine works only when needed. This technology enables efficient reduction of fuel consumption and also helps to reduce the traffic noise.

The energy required for the additional start-ups will be made available through the braking energy recovery system. The start-stop function can be activated by pressing an on/off button.

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